
包含了「The Fame Ball Tour」以及「The Monster Ball Tour」兩個巡迴演唱的影片,

the Haus

剛出道時用的表演影片,後來也有放在THE FAME BALL的演唱會中,
背景音樂是戰友Space cowboy的「Devastated」,
收錄在他的「Digital Rock Star」專輯當中。
I need m-m-m-more, to feed my pop heart
Give me more!
I want: The future, GaGa, Fashion, T-t-technology, Dance, New York, Music, Pop Culture!
I want The Fame
I can hear you! Can you hear me?
The revolution is coming
And I want
W-w-we want, you deserve. The future
My name is Lady GaGa and this is my Haus!


The Brain

最後重播了the Haus影片中的the Fame片段。
這的片段是「The Fame Ball Tour」時期的片段。

MAN:Brush, Brush, Brush away Candy. What is that you search for? Oh dear...
CANDY:I've been brushing for hours just to make sure, it's gone.
MAN:I guess we can honestly say that you've lost your mind.
CANDY:No, I know exactly where it is.
CANDY:In his belly of course.
MAN:He left something behind.
CANDY:A machine, the hub of the city. I was scared at first, I thought, Pop ate my heart, and then he swallowed my brain
MAN:What's left for you to live for?
CANDY:But then I thought,
MAN:But then you thought...
CANDY:The Fame.

以下均為 The Monster Ball Tour的影片:

Jumping Interlude

The Monster Ball的開場影片,
來自Marko Mitanovski設計的,背景音樂是「Dance in the dark」的混音版本,
是和Kam Denny & Paul Zala的Finally 2008混音(youtube聽)

Puke Interlude

這個影片的服裝也是由Marko Mitanovski設計,開始Gaga像雕像一樣站著且被穿衣的樣子
概念來自Alexander McQueen某次幫模特兒著裝時的拍攝影片,
後段的吃心臟的影片,Gaga聲稱這是攝影師Nick Knight要她吃牛的心臟(我也不知道是真是假)

Antler Interlude

Antler Film最初是為Marko Mitanovski的倫敦時裝週2009-2010 collection而拍攝的,
還有服裝設計由Nina Butkovich-Budden提供,

The Manifesto of Little Monsters Interlude

這個影像首次出現在渥太華場的The Monster Ball Tour,
「This is the Manifesto of Little Monsters.
There's something heroic about the way my fans operate their cameras. So precisely, so intricately, and so proudly. Like Kings writing the history of their people. Its their prolific nature that both creates and procures what will later be perceived as "The Kingdom." So, the real truth about Lady Gaga fans, my little monsters, lies in this sentiment: They are the kings. They are the queens. They write the history of the kingdom, and I am something of a devoted Jester.

It is in the theory of perception that we have established our bond. Or, the lie, I should say, for which we kill. We are nothing without our image. Without our projection. Without the spiritual hologram of who we perceive ourselves to be, or rather, to become, in the future.

When you're


I'll be lonely too.」


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