Not Myself Tonight (Dirty)
Not Myself Tonight (Clean)
Not Myself Tonight (Instrumental)
這是雞姐最新單曲「Not Myself Tonight」的三種版本單曲,
同時稍早她也接受了Ryan Seacrest的專訪談論她的最新專輯「Bionic」,
After shrinking from the spotlight for some time while she had her first son, shot her first movie and recorded a new album, singer/songwriter Christina Aguilera is back and causing quite a stir with her new single "Not Myself Tonight". After debuting the song Tuesday, Christina exclusively called Ryan's radio show to talk about her upcoming album "Bionic" and what life has been like the past couple years.
On her new album "Bionic":
"It's kind of exploring my wild side a little bit again."
"It's really a fun, fun record. Really futuristic. I was really inspired by a lot of electronic music and artists, and so you'll hear all of those elements and different textures and things in my voice that I was really playing around with and having fun on this record that I didn't even know I could do vocally."
"I loved working on this record, it's my favorite to date"
On acting in her first film:
"It was sort of difficult for me at first, because I went in really open, I wanted to open myself up to the whole craft of it, I wanted to learn. I'm used going in and when I get creative, expressing myself and what I have to say and the stories I have to tell, and being an actress you have to tap into a different person and a whole other character outside of yourself and find truth within that, so I was digging a lot in my past, bringing a lot of emotional stuff up for me.
On making herself cry on film:
"I harbored a lot of stuff from my past so I just went there. It's a place I can just tap into because it really does just live right below the surface for me."
On being a new mom:
"I am not a morning person, and that has definitely changed a lot for me. I like to be the first thing [my son] sees when he wakes up in the morning and the last thing he sees before bed, so I really try to make those hours of the day solely for him."
"He teaches me a lot. It's such a growing experience to be a mom. You see everything different and new for the first time through him. It's a big job."
- Apr 01 Thu 2010 21:12
[New] Christina Aguilera。Not Myself Tonight (Single Promo) & Interviewed @ Ryan Seacrest's Radio Show。克麗絲汀最新單曲作品和訪談內容